About Me

Thanks for stopping by. I am Priya Ramesh, Founder, CEO Communications LLC. After a successful 15-year career in corporate communications in which I have worked closely with CEOs and executives from Fortune 100s and startups, I have come to be known as the “CEO-whisperer.” A journalist turned communications executive, I have helped CEOs successfully transition into their new roles, become inspirational speakers and their company’s best spokesperson during crises.

As a CEO, you are the fountainhead of innovation and success for your organization.  How you communicate, influences your corporate culture, brand reputation, profitability and your stock health. CEO communications has never been more critical than now where you are increasingly competing for top talent, loyal customers and investors who trust in your vision.

I have helped CEOs and executives at Ford Motor Corporation, GE, Intel, AARP, HP, IBM, 8×8 and startups with communications strategy and training. My focus areas are new CEO transition, speaker/media training, thought leadership positioning and crisis communications counsel.

How you speak, what you present, your tone, your delivery, your social media presence, all have the power to make or break your legacy as a senior executive. Do it right. As Warren Buffett says, “It takes 20 years to build reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently.”

Start your journey to becoming an effective communicator with CEO Communications LLC.